Magazine Wellness Center - Taking care of the Whole Child. Providing Health Care, Mental Health, Dental Care, and Eye Care.
Student Vision Services
We have been trying at the Wellness Center to secure a new Vision Optometrist to perform eye services for our students. We have entered into an Offsite MOU agreement with Laster Eye Center in Booneville Ar. for this school year. We are in the process of trying to get onsite services again for next year.
We will transport and supervise them at the Booneville office and return with them after they have been seen. We will send home a letter from the optometrist that will describe the results of their visit.
If your students are used to picking out their own glasses they will be able to do that also just like they have done in the past. If any parent wants to come for the appointment we can work that out also.
We have paperwork and permission slips that will have to be filled out in order for this appointment to occur. Forms will have to be filled out completely in order for your child to be set up for an appointment. Return forms quickly if you want your child on the list. It will be first come first serve basis. By signing these forms and returning all the paperwork it will allow your child to be able to get an appointment. ALL PAPERWORK HAS TO BE COMPLETED.
For more information, contact Magazine Wellness Center Coordinator Donna Robinson at 1-866-900-2001 or at donna.robinson@magazinek12.com
Mental Health Services

Click Image Above For Free Mental Health Resources