MES is having a PENNY WAR for Mark Schmidt & LaDonna Holt!
over 6 years ago, Delania Smith
Penny War Flyer
Rattler Pride!! Recruiting letter from Hendrix for two Track and Field Rattlers...
over 6 years ago, Randy Bryan
Chase Gipson going for 6' in high jump
Levi Wright closing in on PR in 3200m
8th graders enjoying the VR during their lunch
over 6 years ago, Gaylon Scharbor
Muncci, Kole and Kaeleb on KingSpray
Lunch in the library on a rainy day!
over 6 years ago, Gaylon Scharbor
Junior High Lunch - It may be a damp day, but they are still having fun!
Smiling happy faces - a good thing on a rainy day!
8th grade working on cast and mold fossils this week.
over 6 years ago, Courtney Holt
8th Grade working on cast and mold fossils.
23 students taking 15 different classes simultaneously! Online learning at its finest!
over 6 years ago, Amanda Kirk
Distance Learning Lab
Quiz Bowl tryouts for grades 4-6 will be after school on Wednesday, August 15. Permission slips will be sent home today.
over 6 years ago, Renee Holt
MES 2018-2019 Student Leadership Team Left-Right Back Row: Rhett Nietert, Phoebe Hopper, Carissa Webster, Callie Nicholas, Cameron Downs & Dakotah Stafford. Front Row: Mattie Terry, Trinidy Harding, Briare Harding, Aiden Fox, Nathaniel Smith & Tempiest Dickens
over 6 years ago, Delania Smith
2018-2019 Student Leadership Team
Thank you Starting Point Church for the goodies you brought for our faculty and staff today.
over 6 years ago, Renee Holt
Goodies from Starting Point Church
We appreciate Starting Point Church!
Starting Point Church faculty and staff appreciation goodies.
Our kids are loving the Boys and Girls Club at Magazine! ❤️
over 6 years ago, Renee Holt
Boys and Girls Club first day picture
First Day of School! Students filled the halls today in the Magazine School District. So the journey begins for 2018 - 2019. Lead The Way to Be The Difference!! 9 weeks of school then 2 weeks off!!
over 6 years ago, Brett Bunch
Don't forget! Open House tonight (Thursday July 26th). We will be unveiling our new app and previewing the new website. See you there!
over 6 years ago, Kenneth Massey
The Boys & Girls Club of South Logan County will be partnering with Magazine School District for after school and during intersessions, with a summer program next year as well!!
over 6 years ago, Brett Bunch
Magazine School District students back on July 30th. Why follow when you can lead the way!!!
over 6 years ago, Brett Bunch
Magazine School Orientation: Thursday, July 26th at 6:00 in the Arena! We will begin serving food at 5:00. See you there!
over 6 years ago, Magazine School District