Rattler Family, grandparents play a very vital role in the education of their grandchildren. At Magazine Elementary, celebrating the role of grandparents is important. We will host Grandparent Days at the Elementary on Wednesday-Friday (Sept. 4-6) when grandparents may have lunch with their grandchildren in the elementary cafeteria. Please see the times below and make plans to join your grandchildren for lunch. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #MagazineElementaryLovesItsGrandparents
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Grandparent Days
Rattler Family, Do you enjoy great discounts on your favorite things? Here's an opportunity to get some great discounts on food from local restaurants and services from local business. Our student-athletes and coaches are now selling the Rattlers Card for $20. The Rattlers Card features discount on various purchases from area businesses and restaurants. Get your card today! Please note that the "FREE Appetizer with the Purchase of a Family Dinner" offer from Mackey's Catfish is now only available at the Morrilton location. Please help us spread the word about this opportunity to help raise funds for the MHS multipurpose fund by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #Rattler Family #RattlerAthletics
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattlers Card
Rattlers Card
Rattler Family, As a Purple Star Designated School District, we take great pride in honoring and showing appreciation to our members of the military and their families. Today, we had a great opportunity to recognize and honor two of our own students, seniors Kolton McCubbin and Grayson Franklin who recently completed Army Basic Training, and their families. Please join us in showing our appreciation for these two students, their families and all of our military members and families by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #WeAppreciateOurMilitaryFamilies #PurpleStarDesignatedSchoolDistrict
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattler Family, the Rattler football team will open the season tonight (Friday, Aug. 30) against Cedarville at Diamondback Stadium. Kickoff will be 7 p.m. The internet audio broadcast of the game with Josh and Tatum Scott will be live on www.thesportsbrew.net (Channel 3). Show your support for these student-athletes by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerFootball
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattler Family, our basketball season will have a new look as the Lady Rattlers and Rattlers begin competition as members of the 1A-4 Conference. There will be several new but local teams on the schedule this season, making for an exciting year. Please review the schedule below and start making plans to cheer on the Lady Rattlers and Rattlers later this fall. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerAthletics
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Basketball Schedule
Rattler Family, Magazine Schools appreciates its loyal fans and wants to provide YOU with the best opportunities for you and your family to attend our regular-season home athletic events and support the Rattlers. We are proud to announce that we now have several new opportunities for our fans -- young and older alike -- to attend our regular-season home athletic events. Please review the new opportunities listed below, and help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerAthletics
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
New Admission Opportunities
Rattler Family, the Junior Rattler football team will open the season tonight (Thursday, Aug. 29) at Cedarville. Kickoff will be 6 p.m. Show your support for these student-athletes by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #JuniorRattlerFootball
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattler Family, our Junior Lady Rattler and Lady Rattler volleyball teams will open conference play at Hector today (Thursday, Aug. 29) beginning at 4:30 p.m. with a junior high "B" match, followed by the junior high "A" match and the senior high match. Show your support for these student-athletes by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LadyRattlerVolleyball
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattler Family, last year, Magazine High School cafeteria introduced A La Carte items from the Smart Snack list in compliance with our Wellness Policy. We’d like to remind you that this year elementary students can purchase A La Carte items at the elementary cafeteria for $1 on Fridays only. It's just one more way we're providing the best meal options for your students . Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #MagazineSchoolsCafeteriasAreTheBest
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
A La Carte Items
Rattler Family, we wish to congratulate our senior high and junior high Beta Clubs for each being recognized as "School of Distinction" for increasing their membership by 10 percent or more during the 2023-24 school year. Join us in congratulating them by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #BestBetaClubsinArkansas
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
beta club
Rattler Family, the game time for Thursday's junior high football game at Cedarville has been changed to 6 p.m. Please make note of this change, and plan accordingly. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #JuniorRattlerFootball
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Football Time Change
Rattler Family, school pictures will be taken on Wednesday, Sept. 4, for both high school and elementary students. These are the photos that will also appear in the yearbook. Picture proofs and order forms will be sent home at a later date. Retakes and make-ups will be Sept. 18. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
School Pictures
Rattler Family, our Junior Lady Rattler and Lady Rattler volleyball teams will play at Eureka Springs today (Tuesday, Aug. 27) beginning at 4:30 p.m. with a junior high "B" match, followed by the junior high "A" match and the senior high match. Show your support for these student-athletes by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LadyRattlerVolleyball
6 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattler Family, have we got a deal for you! Magazine Athletics is selling season passes for football and volleyball. Football season passes include all junior high and senior high HOME games (AAA benefit and postseason games NOT included) this season for the low price of $60 per individual. Volleyball season passes include all junior high and senior high volleyball HOME games (AAA benefit and postseason HOME games NOT included) this season for the low price of $35 per individual. Passes may be purchased at the football and volleyball ticket gates on game day or at the Administration Building. Also, our fans who are 65-years-old or older will be admitted FREE to all Magazine HOME games (AAA benefit and postseason HOME games are NOT included) in any sport this season. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerAthletics
7 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Season Passes
Rattler Family, it's time for our fall sports to get underway at Magazine Schools. Admission for junior high and senior high volleyball matches will be $5 for adults and students this season. Admission for junior high and senior high football games will be $7 for adults and students. Please note that the price of admission for football was set by the 2A-4 Conference to help offset the increase in cost for game officials. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerAthletics
7 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Admission Prices
Rattler Family, as we enter the third week of school, it is time to begin Atlas Screener Assessments for students in kindergarten-third grade. Please review the information below concerning the screener assessments. (Informational handouts will be sent home with students, too.) Please note that the third-grade screener will be for literacy only, the screener assessments will take about 30 minutes to complete and the results from the screener assessments will not be available until mid-October. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired
7 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Atlas Screener Update
Rattler Family, our Junior Lady Rattler and Lady Rattler volleyball teams will play their season-opening matches today (Monday, Aug. 26) against Waldron at Diamondback Arena beginning at 4 p.m. with a junior high "B" match, followed by the junior high "A" match and the senior high match. Show your support for these student-athletes by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LadyRattlerVolleyball
7 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattler Family, are you ready for some football? Of course you are! Join us at Diamondback Stadium at 5:30 p.m. this evening (Aug. 23) for our first Alumni Jamboree celebrating our football stars from the past, our band, our little league, junior high and varsity cheerleaders and football players from little league, junior high and high school. You won't want to miss this event. Admission will be $5, and a hamburger or hot dog and bottle of water is included in the price of admission. Additional drinks and candy will be available for purchase in the concession stand. Make plans to attend this great community event and help us to celebrate everyone who helps make Thursday, Friday and Saturday football an exiting event in Magazine. Help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerFootball
7 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
Rattler Family, we've had one revision to our cross country schedule. The conference meet has been moved from Oct. 22 to Oct. 26. Please make note of this change and plan accordingly. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #MagazineCrossCountry
7 months ago, Jonathan Gipson
revised cross country schedule
Rattler Family, students in Mrs. Young's first-grade class have been working on measurement these past two weeks, ordering objects shortest to longest and measuring using different math tools. Join us in showing support for these fun, hands-on learning opportunities by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired
7 months ago, Jonathan Gipson