Rattler Family, here's a reminder that parents / guardians of elementary students must call the office before 2:30 p.m. to change their child's afternoon transportation arrangements. Please be mindful of this procedure. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, our Rattler and Lady Rattler cross country seasons will get under way soon. Make plans to come out and support our highly-successful cross country programs. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerCrossCountry

Rattler Family, the first day of school -- for young students as well as older students -- is a special time. Today is the first day of classes at Magazine Schools, so help us celebrate by sharing your student's first day of school pictures in the comments section below. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, here's a reminder that the 2024-25 school year begins tomorrow (Monday, Aug. 12). We look forward to seeing all of our students back in classes. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired

Rattler Family, here's a reminder of our new Elementary MORNING drop-off route. Please be mindful of this change to the MORNING drop-off procedure as outlined on this map and plan accordingly. Also, this change is only for MORNING drop-off. The AFTERNOON pick-up procedure/route WILL REMAIN THE SAME as in previous school years. Help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerFamily #RattlerPride

Rattler Family, Adelyn Leslie was the Top Summer Grant Reading Participant. She attended all Lunch & Learns With Local Authors, completed the Rattler Reading Challenge by reading and taking AR tests, kept a reading log for at least 20 minutes daily for the Rattler Library on Wheels and participated in reading incentive field trips. She was recognized for her achievements during tonight's school board meeting. Please join us in congratulating her by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerFamily #RattlerPride #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, over the past few weeks we have introduced you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Ashley Wade, our new Personal Care Paraprofessional, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, over the past few weeks we have introduced you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Brittany Shelton, our new MOP Toddler Paraprofessional, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, our junior high and senior high football teams will play preseason scrimmages against Danville on Tuesday, Aug. 20, at Little John Stadium in Danville. The junior high will scrimmage at 5:30 p.m., and the senior high will scrimmage afterward. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerFootball.

Rattler Family, our Open House for our Pre-K - 6th grade students will be on today (Aug. 8) from 2-7 p.m. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired

Rattler Family, our Open House for our junior high and high school students will be on today (Aug. 8) from 2-7 p.m. for students in 8th-12th grades and 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the library for students in 7th grade. We look forward to seeing our students as we prepare for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired

Rattler Family, we wish to thank each of our sponsors for their kindness and generosity in helping to make today an amazing District Day for our faculty and staff. Their donations of door prizes for our faculty and staff truly made them feel appreciated. We are blessed to have such amazing community partners and sponsors. Join us in thanking them by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #weappreciateourcommunitypartnersandsponsors

Rattler Family, Magazine Schools is accepting bids for mowing/baling hay on the cross country field. Those interested in submitting a bid should submit their bid to the Superintendent's Office located in the Administration Building at 485 E. Priddy Street. Bids will be accepted from Aug. 9 until noon on Aug. 16. Bid openings will be at 2 p.m.on Aug. 16. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, we are blessed to have a great network of community partners who are always willing to step up and support our students, faculty and staff. We'd like to thank Master Sergeant Tyler Porter of the Arkansas Army National Guard for providing breakfast for our faculty and staff on Monday. Join us in showing appreciation by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #WeAppreciateOurCommunityPartners

Rattler Family, we are very appreciative of our community partners, like Logan County Farm Bureau. Agents Britt Bauer, Mary Britt and Ethan Fairbanks helped get our second day of before-school professional development get started off right with a great breakfast this morning. Join us in showing our appreciation by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #WeAppreciateAreCommunityPartners

Rattler Family, our Open House for our Pre-K - 6th grade students will be on Thursday, (Aug. 8) from 2-7 p.m. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired

Rattler Family, if you are the parent or guardian of a student-athlete in any of our sports or band, there will be an informational meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday (Aug. 8) at Diamondback Arena. During this time, there will be several required forms that will need to be completed so your student-athlete can compete this school year. Also, there will be discussion about various fundraisers each sport will be conducting this year. Please make every effort to attend this meeting. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerFamily #RattlerPride #RattlerAthletics

Rattler Family, our Open House for our junior high and high school students will be on Thursday (Aug. 8) from 2-7 p.m. for students in 8th-12th grades and 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the library for students in 7th grade. We look forward to seeing our students as we prepare for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired

Rattler Family, our high school and elementary school offices will be closed on Wednesday, Aug. 7, for district faculty, staff and administrator meetings. However, the Administrative Building Office will be open. Please make note of this closure and plan accordingly. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #LearningIsRequired

Rattler Family, here's a reminder that Arkansas' tax-free shopping weekend runs today (Saturday, Aug. 3) - Sunday (Aug. 4). It's an opportunity to buy back to school clothing and select school supplies tax free. As you are shopping for school clothing, be sure to keep the school dress code guidelines in mind. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily