Rattler Family, here's a reminder that the book boxes around town have been restocked for your student's reading pleasure. Also, the high school cafeteria will be closed until the final installment of our "Lunch & Learn With Local Authors" with Mark Green on July 18. Help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, over the next few days we will introduce you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Charolette Collins, our new Pre-K Paraprofessional, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, over the next few days we will introduce you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Morgan Stover, our new high school administrative assistant, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, over the next few days we will introduce you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Christi Vasquez, our new high school and elementary counselor, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, over the next few days we will introduce you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Teresa Staton, our new 10th-12th grade ELA teacher and yearbook advisor, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, today is the day! Magazine Schools will host the third installment of its "Lunch and Learn With A Local Author" as Magazine alumna and former Magazine Schools employee Janet Kirbo will discuss writing and her book, "A Garden Journal: This Is How I Do It" for our students in Pre-K-12th grade from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. We hope to see you there! Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, members of our band and choir were presented their championship rings during tonight's school board meeting. Join us in congratulating them by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerBand #RsttlerChoir

Rattler Family, over the next few days we will introduce you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Bethany Shelby, our new seventh- and eighth-grade ELA teacher and fifth-grade science teacher, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, Magazine Schools will host the third installment of its "Lunch and Learn With A Local Author" Friday (July 12) as Magazine alumna and former Magazine Schools employee Janet Kirbo will discuss writing and her book, "A Garden Journal: This Is How I Do It" for our students in Pre-K-12th grade from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. We hope to see you there! Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, our new Magazine Schools band director Caleb Miller will be in concert on Saturday (July 13) at 8 p.m. at Broadway Memorial Park in Booneville. The concert is a part of Natural State Entertainment's Summer Concert Series featuring local musicians. Make plans to come out and support one of our newest members of the Rattler Family. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlerBand

Rattler Family, over the next few days we will introduce you to the newest members of our Rattler Family. Please join us in welcoming Caleb Miller, our new elementary music teacher and high school music teacher/band director, to the family by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, today is the day! Magazine Schools will host the second installment of its "Lunch and Learn With A Local Author" as local historian, author and longtime educator Dr. Curtis Varnell presents science story time with "Zach's Alligators" for our students in Pre-K-12th grade from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. This will be fun for all ages, and there will be book giveaways. We hope to see you there! Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, throughout the summer break, our dedicated maintenance and custodial staffs are hard at work on a variety of improvement projects throughout our campuses in preparation for the upcoming school year. Today, maintenance staff members Wendell Haugh and Lyndol Green put the finishing touches on new signage at the elementary school. Join us in showing appreciation for their hard work by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, are you interested in being a substitute teacher at Magazine Schools this upcoming school year? There will be an ESS substitute hiring event on Wednesday, July 24, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Magazine Elementary library. Be sure to apply online at www.ess.com and make plans to attend. Help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily

Rattler Family, the high school library will be open for students to check out books, take AR tests and submit reading logs tomorrow (Wednesday, July 10) from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. There are incentive trips this summer, and there will be an ice cream party after school starts in August for students who have met the requirements. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, Magazine Schools will host the second installment of its "Lunch and Learn With A Local Author" as local historian, author and longtime educator Dr. Curtis Varnell visits with students in Pre-K-12th grade about a variety of literary topics and books and present fun activities on Thursday (July 11) from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. We hope to see you there! Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride

Rattler Family, it's been a great summer of reading for our students! Now it's time to reap the rewards! Students should turn in their reading logs at the high school cafeteria beginning today (July 8) through Wednesday (July 10) and pick up a permission slip for the upcoming field trip to Mount Magazine on Friday (July 12). Permission slips are available at the high school cafeteria and the book box. Students will leave the high school cafeteria at 7:30 a.m. on Friday and return for guardian pick up at 1230 p.m. Students should wear comfortable shoes suitable for hiking. Help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, it's been a great summer for reading! We have restocked our high school cafeteria and the book box in town with books! Help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, we've restocked books at the summer reading program tables in the high school cafeteria and at the book box located on the old County Pharmacy parking lot. Be sure to keep your daily reading log (20 minutes of reading is recommended daily) to be eligible for the upcoming field trip opportunities. The first will be on July 12. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead

Rattler Family, we've restocked books at the summer reading program tables in the high school cafeteria and at the book box located on the old County Pharmacy parking lot. Be sure to keep your daily reading log (20 minutes of reading is recommended daily) to be eligible for the upcoming field trip opportunities. The first will be on July 12. Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing this post. #RattlerPride #RattlerFamily #RattlersRead